

Monday, August 15, 2011

So it is the day!

It is so hard to survive office in Monday due to many reasons. As usual, there are a lot of new things coming on monday. Huargh! Can we just skip monday? or we are given an option to come late to office on monday to cope with our post weekend trauma? :p. Yeah, somebody needs to work that out... wait... am I somebody? do I need to work it out? Theeehehehehehe!

So today is the bonus pay out day for the government servant. The calculation is based on your basic salary divided by half times total working days divided by 220 ( on why the calculation is so like that, please visit the PSD's website at I'm very very sure Alamanda is going to be full with people spending their money on food, clothes, entertainment and so on so on.

I really had a lot in my mind right now (or rather a lot of things to buy), erm.. one of them is how to spend the money wisely...... Owwwh! i'm thinking of a nice leather handbag for myself.. hihiks! Anyway, thanks to the govorment for the bonus given, at least those in need can celebrate and have a meaningful Raya.

I don't know about you guys, but as an ordinary middle class young professional, to spend money freely is just not what meant for me ( at least at the moment... :p).

That's that about the bonus! I want to continue with my shopping list for now. Luv from me!


p/s I'll join the rest to Alamanda this evening, anybody wana chip in?

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