See? like i told ya, the crowds have gone mad! Everyuone eagerly wanted to go in and shop for their favorite book. Us, on the other hand, remain sane and calm. Erm, I wore new blouse and new tight that day. Thanks for dear Sayang for sponsoring my outfit that day. HIhiks!
The sea of books just drove everyone's nut. There are a lot of tables, housing different types of books. Here in the picture is books for young adult, where I got hooked.
Real bargain, Jamie Oliver's cook book for only RM 25, instead of its actual price RM 169.00.
Phew, finally..... these are the books we managed to stash! Total cost is RM131.00. In total 14 books, honestly, will take me Forever to collect them all. Hahahaha!
The Big Bad Wolf Sale will finish on Oct 16, 2011. For more info log on to
Till next time!