It was on Tuesday evening when daddy Sarah realized there were rashes on Sarah's both knees. Her body temperature that day wasn't that high, between 36.7 and 37.5. Earlier that day, I've noticed a small tooth comes out so i thought she's going to get a fever due to the teething like she had before. Worried, we brought her to Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya, only then we know she has been infected with HFMD (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease). We both are panicked and worried sick because it is a contagious disease! We went home with medicine prescribed by the doctor such as Fepril Syrup 120 Mg, H-Cort Cream and Orregel for mouth ulcer. Plus, we put some Calamine Lotion to reduce the itchiness....
The next day, there was a Medical Assistant came to our house to issue a letter stated hereby, Sarah Zulaikha Shahrizal needs to stay at home from the period of September 12 until September 21, 2011 under Section 12 (1) & 15 (1) Prevention and Control of Contagious Diseases 1988. And if we disobey this, we may be charged under Section 24 by the same Act. Phew, house quarantine!
Sarah is on her worst condition on the second day, there were two blisters in her mouth, the rashes are red around her knee, back of her hand and the diapers area. She can't sleep so much because she's also suffering from teething... Hurm, Daddy and I have to take an alternate off day to babysit her. What worried me the most is her refusal to food. I can't focus to work because i keep on thinking about her....
Today is the fifth day since she was infected and I can see the blisters and the rashes has dried, she wants to eat, and she plays and smiles more than those four days..... We took some pictures of her during shower ( the pictures we taken yesterday!... ;p)
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